Solidworks Drawing Slot

Solidworks Drawing Slot 6,5/10 6113 votes
  1. Tab And Slot Solidworks
  2. Solidworks Drawing Slot Callout
  3. Solidworks Drawing Slot Center Mark
  4. Straight Slot Solidworks

I'm trying to model the cam pin slot for an AR15 bolt in Solidworks 2012. I've done this before by defining the center points of the slot positions and then creating a spline on a curved surface, then doing a solid sweep cut. Now I'm attempting to create the same type of curved slot but in a square part, so I can't easily do the spline on surface. One of my favorite tools inside of SOLIDWORKSis the slot tool.And there's a bunch of different ways to create slots.The very first option here is the straight slot.And I'm going to choose a front plane to draw on.And just click right where you want to startand then click again where you want to end the slot.And then slide.


SolidWorks Tutorials 6: How to Draw Centerpoint Slot

The center point slot is sketches by setting a center point, end circle center and point on the slot.

Step 1

Select plane from the Featuremanager design tree (e.g. Top Plane).

Step 2

Select the “Centerpoint slot” button from the command manager.

Step 3

Solidworks Drawing Slot

Drag the mouse pointer to graphics area to select the centerpoint of the slot (Point 1).

Solidworks Drawing Slot

Then drag the pointer to left or right side to select the end circle center point of the slot (Point 2).

After that, move the pointer upward to enlarge the size of centerpoint slot and click the mouse button to select the Point 3. Then you get an Centerpoint straight slot in graphics area.

I need the dimensions marked from center to center without holes like i done in the file which is attached

Tab And Slot Solidworks

2 Answers

Solidworks Drawing SlotSolidworks Drawing SlotOrientation

You can construct a vertical 'centerline' on each of the rectangles and place the dimension on the centerlines.

Solidworks Drawing Slot Callout

To construct the centerlines, click insert>annotation>centerline, and select the 2 vertical edges of each rectangle.

Solidworks Drawing Slot Center Mark

You can delete the holes before or after, but before would probably be easiest and ensure the dimension didn't accidentally reference the holes.

Straight Slot Solidworks

As mention by robert hoyt You can use centerlines.
Alternatively you can select smart dimenion tool and then right click on both horizontal lines and select 'Select Midpoint' option. It will give similar results.